SSCS MTT Conducts FMS Training with Australian Partners

July 10, 2023

A mobile training team (MTT) from the Defense Security Cooperation University’s School of Security Cooperation Studies (SSCS) recently traveled to Canberra, Australia, to conduct international partner foreign military sales (FMS) training with personnel in the Australian Support Office Foreign Military Sales. Specifically, the MTT led the International Partner Security Cooperation Logistics and Finance course, in which the curriculum spans the full spectrum of Security Cooperation, including legislation & policy, technology transfer/end-use monitoring, FMS, acquisition, logistics, and financial management.

As the first SSCS MTT to travel to Canberra since 2019, the MTT provided two, one-week classes on the whole-of-government approach, U.S. Security Cooperation and FMS processes. Approximately 60 students graduated each week. The students included members of the Australian Support Office Foreign Military Sales, Directorate of Corporate Services Air Domain Centre, who actively manage Australia’s large portfolio of FMS cases.

DSCU strengthens relationships with partner nations by working hand-in-hand to provide education, training, and tailored institutional capacity building. DSCU supports DSCA’s FMS programs through holistic solutions that develop and support advancing responsible governance and the intellectual interoperability and synergistic ties between the U.S. and our allies and partners.

Founded in 1976, as the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM), SSCS is the focal point of Foreign Military Sales education for all Department of Defense personnel and international partner personnel engaged in managing Security Cooperation programs. MTT seminars/trainings typically involve up to 80 hours of training plus time for administrative functions and are usually completed over the course of 10 business days.

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