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New Posts provide a quick snapshot of the Institute's various Institutional Capacity Building activities around the globe.


FY22 Security Cooperation Figures Announcement

January 27, 2023

DSCA and ISG would like to announce the Fiscal Year 2022 U.S. arms transfer figures, as well as other notable Security Cooperation community statistics highlighting the depth and breadth of U.S. Security Cooperation efforts.

Security Cooperation programs such as the Foreign Military Sales and International Military Education and Training (IMET) programs are important tools of U.S. foreign policy with potential long-term implications for the regional and global security of U.S. allies and partner nations.

ISG Collage

Successful Isg On-Site

January 12, 2023

The ISG Team recently came together for a three-day on-site meeting in Monterey, California and online. Events included a recognition ceremony for Mr. Steven Peterson for his five years of leadership as ISG Director as well as a town hall welcoming Acting Director Mr. David Manero in which colleagues learned more about his vision for the Institute during this important transitional period.


A New Cohort Learns the Fundamentals of Maritime Security at ISG

January 9, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently conducted a “Fundamentals of Maritime Security” Resident Course at ISG headquarters in Monterey, California. A range of mid- to senior-level military and civilian international participants were represented among the 26 attendees, who hailed from nine different countries, with a strong contingent from Indonesia. The two-week course is structured to provide participants with the strategic context shaping the maritime space in the early 21st century; an overview of various maritime transnational threats; risk and governance self-assessment exercises; an in-depth look at maritime domain awareness requirements and capabilities; and coverage of strategies, solutions, and best practices for governments to effectively prevent, prepare for, and manage the consequences of various maritime threats.


The ISG Heron: January 2023 Issue

January 4, 2023

Happy New Year! In this issue of The ISG Heron, the Institute bids farewell to its Director, Steve Peterson, takes a look at notable Security Cooperation events in D.C., assesses Ukrainian National Resilience as a Shared Security Objectives, offers a standing ovation to Africa Regional Program Lead Jessie Evans, highlights Resident Education contributions from the “Strategies and Capabilities for Cyber Challenges” course, marks ISG's successful participation in the 2022 Gobi Wolf Exercise, wishes farewell to ISG Regional Advising colleagues, Linwood Ham and Gary Espinas, and provides updates from ISG HQ.

ISG GCMC Ukraine Resilience Assessment Workshop

Assessing Ukrainian National Resilience as a Shared Security Objective

December 20, 2022

The Institute for Security Governance and the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies partnered to co-host a workshop on Ukrainian resilience in Krakow, December 12-16. Over 45 participants from Ukraine, NATO Headquarters, the United States and other NATO member states attended the workshop-style meetings to discuss the challenges Ukraine faces—from a national resiliency perspective—following Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of the country.

ISG’s Peacekeeping Exercise in Yudh Abhyas

ISG’s Peacekeeping Exercise in Yudh Abhyas

December 16, 2022

ISG’s Peacekeeping & Exercises Team recently returned from its support to the Yudh Abhyas Exercise – a bilateral training exercise held annually since 2004, aimed at promoting cooperation between the United States and Indian militaries, while sharing training, cultural exchanges, and building joint operating skills.

ISG has been a long-term implementation partner with U.S. Army Pacific. The Institute has developed and executed the Command Post Exercise (CPX) for Yudh Abhyas since 2010, and is responsible for the design, planning, and facilitation of the CPX based on guidelines agreed by U.S. and Indian commanders.