Women Peace and Security Workshop Report Released

February 24, 2023

The Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) announces its release of the Women Peace and Security (WPS): Workshop Report. In September 2022, thought leaders and scholars convened at DSCU for a WPS professional military education workshop to discuss the important question: How does implementation of the WPS framework in security cooperation promote U.S. national security and advance the pursuit of peace? The workshop report provides the full details and findings of the event.

DSCU strives to be the center of intellectual life for the Security Cooperation enterprise and advance national security and foreign policy objectives by addressing SC challenges at home and abroad through education and partnerships. This workshop launched DSCU’s enterprise-wide effort to take a rigorous, scholarly look at the ways in which implementation of the WPS Act of 2017 advances U.S. national security objectives through security cooperation.

The workshop was the first of its kind at DSCU and highlighted this university’s research role, recently institutionalized in DSCU’s Research and Lessons Learned Institute. The event provided feedback for future workshops; took advantage of, and exercised, DSCU’s academic capacity and its position as a nexus of SC scholarly and advisory roles; and was vital to ensuring the presented WPS scholarly work stood up to the rigor of scrutiny by practitioners and fellow scholars.


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