Institutional Capacity Building for Logistics

June 6, 2024

The Defense Security Cooperation University's Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently concluded the resident course: Institutional Capacity Building for Logistics in Monterey, California. This course educates students from allied and partner nations (civilian ministerial level and senior military leaders) about the importance of increasing the professionalization of their logistics forces to better sustain defense and security force capabilities, from a public administration and civil-military relations perspective.

Emphasis is placed on the necessity to integrate logistics with other institutional capabilities across multi-domain operational environments such as strategy, policy and plans, human resource management, acquisition life cycle logistics management, cyber, as well as resource management in support of increasing interoperability and readiness. Additional focus is placed on the need to implement requisite governance and principled practices to address corruption that results in waste, inefficiency, and poorly resourced defense forces, from a normative and institutional value perspective. Learning methodologies include case study presentations, lectures, small group exercises/activities, and structured discussions.

Objectives Include: 
♦ Comprehend and apply logistics management (LM) concepts and principles to specific partner nation needs
♦ Define and discuss the relationship among LM, resource management (RM), and human resource management (HRM) in support of institutional capacity building (ICB)
♦ Understand the importance of continuous assessment of LM functions and institutions
♦ Discuss the principles of civilian control of the military and its impact on LM
♦ Describe the impact of law/military judicial systems on the practice of institutional LM for a partner nation’s (PN) security forces

To learn more about courses offered through ISG, visit the ISG SCHOOLHOUSE INFORMATION HUB: 

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