P159202 Principles of Defense Procurement & Contracting

April 8, 2024

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance recently concluded the resident course: PRINCIPLES OF DEFENSE PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTING in Monterey, California. This International Defense Acquisition Resource Management (IDARM) course provides a theoretical and practical examination of fundamental concepts and challenges associated with national and global defense contracting. 

Participants examine methodologies that ensure needs based requirements, work in groups to develop and issue requests for tender, and use reasoned decision-making in supplier selection. Critical post-award contract management considerations are also discussed. U.S. and international best practices are examined, as are challenges associated with institutionalizing efficient and effective procurement systems.

Objectives include:
♦ Better understand fundamental concepts and challenges associated with national and global defense contracting and
♦ Critically examine requirements definition, and tendering and sourcing methodologies with a focus on characteristics
of efficient and effective contract and procurement processes.
♦ Assist countries in their efforts to develop and institutionalize transparent, efficient, and effective contract and procurement systems.

This Principles of Defense Procurement and Contracting course is scheduled as part of a broader International Defense Acquisition Management six-week resident course pipeline that is conducted twice a year. Participants may attend each course as standalone or in sequence. 

To learn more about courses offered through the Institute for Security Governance, click here to visit the SCHOOLHOUSE INFORMATION HUB.

Principles of Defense Procurement & Contracting