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New Posts provide a quick snapshot of the Institute's various Institutional Capacity Building activities around the globe.

A picture of the participants standing in front of the Defense Force ship

ISG Conducts Met with the Royal Bahamas Defense Force

November 9, 2023

The Defense Security Cooperation University’s Institute for Security Governance’s Cyber Team conducted a cyber education event in Nassau, Bahamas for the Royal Bahamas Defense Force. The team of experts led participants through an engaging series of lectures, activities, and a capstone exercise to model the drafting and implementation of cybersecurity policies. Participants have a better understanding of the importance of good cyber governance and will be able to take the principles and concepts covered in the event and apply them to improving cybersecurity in the Royal Bahamas Defense Force.

a pictures of participants in formal attires holding up a signed Ukraine flag

ISG Conducts ICB Defense Reform Engagement with Ukraine

November 8, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance and the U.S. Defense Reform MoDA for Ukraine recently conducted an engagement with partners from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense in Krakow, Poland. This discussion-based, collaborative event focused on principles of acquisition system reform in support of broader transformation efforts. Acquisition representatives from the United Kingdom, Norway, and Poland also provided expert support to this event.

a picture of participants in formal attire standing next to each other

Strategies & Capabilities for Cyber Challenges

November 1, 2023

DSCU’s Institute for Security Governance recently concluded the resident course: STRATEGIES & CAPABILITIES FOR CYBER CHALLENGES in Monterey, California. This four–week course equips participants with the knowledge and skills to understand cyber threats and vulnerabilities, and their consequences for national security and military operations. The course explores strategies and capabilities to maintain an advantage over actors who seek to exploit, disrupt, or damage the critical networks, systems, and services upon which our societies and militaries depend. Instructors highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach that applies whole-of government coordination, regional collaboration, and public-private partnerships to counter cyber-enabled malicious actors across the spectrum of conflict.

a picture of a group of participants and officers standing on the staircase in front of N.M.I.O.T.C. building

Black Sea Maritime Domain Awareness Symposium

October 31, 2023

ISG’s Maritime Security Functional Lead and several Subject Matter Experts were pleased to support the Naval Forces Europe (NAVEUR)/Naval Postgraduate School's Inaugural Black Sea Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Symposium at the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre in Souda Bay, Crete.

Women's Integration Into The Armed Forces Seminar

ISG’s “Women’s Integration Into the Armed Forces” Seminar Wraps in Colombia

October 31, 2023

The Institute for Security Governance (ISG) recently partnered with the Office of Defense Cooperation, U.S. Embassy Colombia, and the Colombian Vice Ministry of Defense for Human Rights to deliver a five-day seminar on Women’s Integration into the Armed Forces in Bogota, Colombia. This seminar is an integral part of ISG’s Mobile Education Team (MET) educational initiatives, where experts from the Institute engage in bilateral courses that typically span 1–2 weeks and are tailored to the specific national and regional context. The composition of participants in these courses varies depending on the topic and method of delivery.

FY23 Intellectual Speaking & Publishing Report

FY23 Intellectual Speaking & Publishing Report

October 25, 2023

The ISG Team is comprised of over 110 civilian government faculty and staff, and a robust contract support team. Drawing from their experience at ISG and their backgrounds in military, government, industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations, ISG personnel consistently bring to bear their subject matter expertise in both formal ISG mission work as well as in external intellectual presentations and publications.

In FY23, ISG experts engaged in +20 speaking and media activities, and published half a dozen articles and thought pieces, in venues aimed at academic, government, military, industry, and general public audiences.