picture of a group of people standing in front of a beautiful forest green

International Defense Management Course (IDMC 24-1)

November 1, 2023

On 10 October, the DRMI welcomed 36 participants from 21 allied and partner nations (Albania, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Djibouti, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, South Korea, Kosovo, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mongolia, Morocco, North Macedonia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zambia) to the first convening in FY24 of the ten-week International Defense Management Course (IDMC 24-1).

group of people in formal attires standing in front of beautiful green trees

Defense Resources Management Course (DRMC 23-4)

August 28, 2023

On 28 August, the DRMI welcomed 34 participants from 16 allied and partner nations (Congo, Costa Rica, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Lithuania, Malawi, Malaysia, Oman, Philippines, Spain, and Trinidad-Tobago) and the United States to the fourth convening in FY23 of the four-week resident Defense Resources Management Course (DRMC 23-4). Additionally, four participants from the United States are taking the course virtually via distance learning.

group of people in formal attires standing in front of beautiful green trees

54th Annual Senior International Defense Management Course (SIDMC 23-1)

August 8, 2023

The DRMI welcomed 36 flag and general rank military officers and senior defense officials from 23 allied and partner nations (Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Egypt, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Jordan, South Korea, Lebanon, Lesotho, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, and Ukraine) and the United States to the 54th annual Senior International Defense Management Course on 30 July. This four-week resident course will graduate on 25 August.

group of people in formal attires standing in front of beautiful green trees

Defense Resources Management Course (23-3)

June 12, 2023

The DRMI welcomed 13 participants from five allied and partner nations (Germany, Jordan, Mexico, Oman, and Poland) and the United States to the third convening in FY23 of the four-week resident Defense Resources Management Course (DRMC 23-3) on 12 June 2023. Additionally, seven participants from the United States are taking the course virtually via distance learning.